Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Restaurants: Your Favorite and Why

Everyone has a favorite restaurant.

Whether it be a fast food joint you've been going to since childhood, a hometown favorite you make sure to hit up when visiting family or a new local independent in your neighborhood.

What I want to know is why this is your favorite restaurant. For me, its hard to pick a definite favorite, but I have a few close to my heart. They include a greasy burger joint in my hometown of Madison, Indiana that I've been going to since I was young. There are a few others scattered between Indianapolis, Charlotte and Columbus, Ohio.

Many people say the food is the number one reason why a restaurant is their favorite. I love the food, but atmosphere, music, decor, cleanliness, history and hospitality are all very important to me.

The old saying goes: You can get a burger anywhere. Why here, or why there?

I would love to here some feedback on what your favorite restaurant is and why?


  1. It is a great questions with nothing short of a million answers. Here are a few of mine.
    1. Vision of the resto
    2. Signature dish… I love the “-----“ there.
    3. Service
    4. Memories (Had it as a kid, where you met person x for the first time, etc..)
    5. Value
    Ambiance doesn’t matter that much to me. Taste of the food is about 75% of the pie, everything else is after that.

    Btw, you need to have a name/url option for the "comment as" part.

  2. Thanks for the info. I will look to adjust my comment portals!
