Thursday, March 18, 2010

5 Must Read Books for Hospitality

I've been doing a lot of reading the past couple of years in order to learn more about the business, as well as a help give myself some direction. My selections have covered some of my favorite passions including restaurants, business, sports and leadership.

These are the 5 books I have found to be the most insightful, educational and motivational.

5. "One-Minute Manager" by Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson

You may or may not have read any of Mr. Blanchard's books about business philosophies and leadership. And Mr. Johnson is best known for his book, "Who Moved My Cheese." All of their selections are top notch, but "One-Minute Manager" has a special place in my heart.

I first read it as a new manager when I was with Scotty's Brewhouse. Owner Scott Wise gave it to me in order to help me develop my own management strategies and philosophies. This short read teaches supervisors how to effectively motivate their people through constructive criticism and setting clear and attainable goals.

4. "Twitter Marketing for Dummies" by Kyle Lacy

Indianapolis entrepreneur, and social media guru, @kyleplacy wrote this book last year to cater towards those familiar with, and still learning about, the phenomenon known as Twitter. Mr. Lacy breaks down the intricacies of Twitter, and its marketing capabilities, into an easy to read and comprehend book, that everyone should pick up.

For anyone curious about Twitter, or how it can be used to advance your business, please pick up this book. Get ahead of the game now. It can be ordered online at or picked up at your local library.

3. "Restaurant Success by the Numbers" by Roger Fields

I picked this up at Borders Downtown one day last summer and read it by the next night. It is a very easy read and one of the best books on opening a restaurant I've seen. The strength in this book is the authors ability to explain the numbers of the restaurant business to entrepreneurs who already have the vision.

The author is a former CPA who took a chance on the restaurant business with no experience, but knew the financial aspects of it. Too often, new restaurateurs have the experience and the vision, but know nothing about numbers. It is a good look at the other side.

2. "The Carolina Way: Leadership Lessons from a Life in Coaching" by Dean Smith

This was a tough to stomach, being an avid Indiana fan. But this was one of the most powerful reads I've ever managed. The book was far from being strictly about sports, or even North Carolina basketball. Coach Smith opens up about life, family, faith, respect, motivation, basketball and more.

The book is divided into 5 general topics. They are Foundations, Playing Hard, Playing Together, Playing Smart and Lessons Learned. Each of these is divided into sub-topics touching on his core values: Dignity, honest, respect, consistency.

1. "Setting the Table: The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business" by Danny Meyer

My all-time favorite book. Famed restaurateur Danny Meyer of Union Square Hospitality Group in New York City presents a tell all from his upbringing to his first restaurant to present day, and the reason he has been so successful.

The message is clear and precise, that hospitality - not good service - is the be all, end all. The book is a must read for restaurant and hospitality people. It is also recommended for any other business in my opinion.

Hopefully, you will get a chance to read these. In the past year, they are probably the best books I've read. If you have any recommendations for me, please send them my way. Thanks!

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